INTICA is an alternative indie artist from California, her latest release “RUN!” sounds like a masterpiece. It awakens the soul with its dynamic guitar sounds and anthemic hooks.

INTICA’s expressive delivery captures the lyrics’ emotion and brings forth a sense of hope, you’ll feel alive. A special mention should go to the vocals, given how heartfelt they sound, this song shows off all the melodic tones of her stunning voice. Her performance is convincing, and she aims to empower others.

INTICA has created a cohesive whole that’s both sonically rich and emotionally powerful, it’s been gaining a huge amount of traction, and I appreciate the way she captures musicality. “RUN!” showcases INTICA’s musical vision in all its grandeur, and deserves to be heard by all people around the world.

If you’re looking for your next favorite track, you’ve come to the right place. Check it out and follow INTICA on social media to be updated with the new releases. Facebook Instagram Twitter.

We’ve interviewed INTICA, check it out!

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