Interview with Junniorrrey about “Closure” (EP)

Hey Junniorrrey, could you tell me a few things about yourself?

Well I’m from Atlanta Ga I’m 23 years old and I’ve been doing music for about 3 years now but I’ve always wanted to pursue it.

What strengths do you have that you believe make you a great musician? 

The way I feel the music. Music is very therapeutic to me and always has been an outlet for me. I feel when you’re a true musician at heart you automatically have a connection with music whatever genre that may be or even all. I listen to all kinds so I pick up a little of everything and each piece compliments the other I also genuinely believe I’m talented. My connection with music is what ultimately makes me a great musician.

What does music mean to you?

Umm… EVERYTHING! I listen to music when I’m happy or sad or even just bored. Music is definitely a drug because like other drugs it can take you somewhere else whether it’s physically or mentally or even emotionally. Music is half my identity honestly.

What could you tell me about your new EP, ”Closure”?

I started working on the songs that are on closure months ago but going back and listening to each song I would fall in love with one this day and love another the next so choosing which songs to be on it was tricky but I feel each song in there now is perfect and I really took my time with them so it turned out exactly how I planned.

Can you shortly describe each of the tracks that are on the EP?

”til we get it right” and the “til we get it right remix” is probably my favorite. They both have a vibe and a message that I feel all can relate to.

”ecstasy” is a lovey dove song and how drugs can affect or just magnify those feelings haha.

“that’s tough” is really just a song of me popping my sh*t cause I know I’m good at what I do. 

What is it about music that makes you feel passionate?

The way it’s timeless. Also, music is its language. The whole world doesn’t speak the same language but the whole world knows when they hear a hit. It moves you. Even when you don’t know the language that a song is in sometimes just the beat alone can capture you. The magic of it makes me passionate.

What are your plans for the future?

My plans are just to evolve more as an artist and definitely to collab with more creative individuals. I wanna build an empire. I just want to do what I love on a bigger scale.

What important message you would like to share with our readers?

Never be the reason you are counted out. You are worthy.

What do you feel is the best song that you have ever released and why?

I don’t honestly know because each has something I love about them but I do hold “Dear Junn” close to my heart because I was writing the song from the outside looking in and just was acknowledging the work that I’m putting in because I genuinely want this.

Check it out and follow Junniorrrey‘s social media to be updated with the new releases.

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