Interview with Horizon about “Shine Beyond”

Hi Horizon, can you tell us a bit about your background and how you got started in the music industry?

I grew up in Trenton, New Jersey prior to relocating to Tampa, Florida. I became an avid listener of 80’s and 90’s music of all genres. However, Hip Hop gained more attention being that my environment introduced me to some of the greatest hip hop songs ever heard. It was a fun that became a topic of some discussions among peers.

In elementary school I remember testing out various instruments such as the Trumpet, Flute, and Keyboard. None I ever mastered. It’s funny now because I’m practicing writing songs.

More influence grew from uban locals and music videos such as Yo! MTV Raps and Rap City. Not to mention the addiction of listening to regular and underground radio stations (including venues) that played hip hop music.

What inspired you to pursue a career in music?

Music has been fun and therapeutic since a teenage youth. It was at that age that I began exercising the craft to develop the skill to create good music or something that a person would want to listen to.

What is the most memorable or life-changing moment in your career so far?

I would say the gradual process of learning the business and marketing side of music. Focusing on how to create success for myself as an artist.

How important it is to be actively involved. 

Let’s dive into “Shine Beyond.” What was the inspiration behind this particular song?

This is a song that has been pieced together over a period of time. The original title of this song is “Shine Beyond Local” which was meant to let your light shine regardless where you are in the world. Starting my younger years living in an urban community where people turn nothing into something is awesome. And I say that because it’s easy to gain a  fan where people know you (family and friends). The challenge comes about wondering if people will feel the same in places you have never been.

Can you share any personal anecdotes or stories related to the creation of the song?

The 2 verse lyrics are a part of a 3 verse song. I decided to create three versions a 

radio edit, remix, and album version. The lyrics were developed after creating a beat with my own equipment. I didn’t find the quality in the sound so I took a step back from the song for a while. I was fortunate to get a visit from Dwayne “Soulhop” Golson at Troy’s Barbershop LLC, who then asked me to browse his beat catalogue. I found the perfect beat for “Shine Beyond” in his catalogue and moved forward.

The hook was developed while driving in my vehicle to and from work sometimes. When I  realized the beat had a change in it that was amazing I created two hooks and used one for the bridge in the song. I thought it would be different and it fit precisely.

What emotions or messages do you hope to convey through “Shine Beyond”?

It’s all the love of music itself but specifically Hip Hop. The things I did as a fan of the art

as a youth and my process through the experience.

Can you tell us about the visual aspects, such as music video or cover art, associated with the song?

The video:

I chose to do a remix with a local artist in the Tampa Bay Florida area for cross marketing purposes. We both have a talent people enjoy and the record label he is apart of has a movement going in the same town that I currently reside in. Talent, positive energy, and movements have the potential to grow into something greater. It’s a door opener.

The Cover Art:

I chose to leave that creative idea to “Soulhop”. It was simple and a bit different.

What motivates you to continue creating music?

I found it a pleasure to be moved by the music I listened to and I wanted to do the same.

I’ve developed myself in the craft where I can share my point of view about whatever I  want. The topics are infinite and I can have fun doing it. One goal of mine from time to time is using my words to touch deeply within and educate.

Of course, sometimes as a youth we find ourselves talking about adult topics that most of us have never lived long enough to truly experience

Can you share a piece of advice or mantra that you live by in your personal and professional life?

I’d say learn to love yourself and embrace your reality. Barriers are consistent and multiply, leaving a permanent mark through each phase is your success. Keep pushing forward, recognizing that the process is the door to progress.

Are there any upcoming personal milestones or goals you’d like to achieve?

Create a full album that has meaning to me. Press it up on Vinyl. 

And win opportunities that add credentials to me as an artist.

What message would you like to convey to your fans and listeners who have supported your career?

I would like to convey that I am thankful for all love and support. And I ask to understand that my attitude is intended to always have a positive impact through all my challenges even when it may not appear so. Trust I will deliver the closest truth possible.

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