Interview with Digital Tapestry about “Going Too Fast”

Hey, could you tell me a few things about yourself?

Well aside from music cause I believe that’s covered in your other questions: I’m an avid soccer fan (the English Premier League being my favorite league) and am super in to staying fit vía going to the gym and daily walks with my fur babies: Zylah and Lexi. 

I am the chef in my household so I cook everyday for my wife and myself. 

What strengths do you have that you believe make you a great musician?

Personal strengths or strengths as a musician??? I think being sensitive like I am and being analytical has lent itself to wanting to express myself, and in wanting to express myself, it came out in music and poetry…but as a musician, I would say I’ve got my own style when it comes to playing guitar that has developed over the years and I have a basic ability to play the piano that helps when programming midi instruments via a midi keyboard. Also I’ve always had the ability to just create…regardless of instrument or medium…I’ve always got that spark that lets me create whether it be a musical phrase or a song.

What does music mean to you?

Music to me is a blessing and honestly I feel it’s a god given gift and desire. It’s a mission in a way. I feel like it’s my purpose here on earth so I gotta carry out that mission and follow the shoe strings that are tied to the bigger picture…I can’t see the big picture but I can see the path and I’m just going by step by step. 

What could you tell me about your new single, ”Going Too Fast”?

It’s a mix of pop and drum n bass…it was actually Born out of a beat battle I entered with Splice and DJ underbelly. We had to remix one of his songs from his latest Ep…I loved my remix so much that I decided I want to release it. I asked for permission to use the stems from Underbelly and his label but that was a hard No lol. So I had to remove all the stems and then put the song back together…which honestly I think made the song even better. It’s a song about how in life it seems that everything goes way too fast and there’s never time to do anything than keep moving on to the next moment. 

What is it about music that makes you feel passionate?

Honestly I don’t have a great answer for this one lol…it just is what I’m passionate about lol. I feel like it’s a calling and I feel like it’s my purpose but more than that I want to do it and I love it as far as creating music goes.

As far as listening to music…I love music that makes me move/feel and I love it when a song can do either one of those things. Or if the lyrics make me think a different way about something…

What are your plans for the future?

Man I have so much music I want to make…and people I want to work with…

For now, I have 3 singles coming out this month, 1 in September, 1 in October, and 1 in November.

Considering making a Christmas album this year to drop in December.

I will be dropping a 3 song Dance-ish EP in Jan or Feb of 2024.

And then i have a few acoustic albums planned for 2024.

I do want to make a hip hop album as well and will probably target late 2024 for that.

Lastly, I produce other artists as well so plan on increasing my producer portfolio and working with more great artists this year and next.

What important message would you like to share with our readers?

You were put here for a reason, start pulling the threads to figure that out…maybe there’s just an inkling of it in your mind/heart but if you start to pull the threads, and follow the path, it will reveal itself more and more.

Also don’t get discouraged; in life we have ups and downs and that’s all part of it…those ups and downs shape us, and make us even stronger and wiser, if we let them.

What do you feel is the best song that you have ever released and why?

So far, Go For Broke, I think is my best release to date but I’ve got a few releases coming up that I’m super excited about and feel super proud of how they turned out.

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