Interview with Adam Kelly about “Straight From The Heart”

Hey, Adam, can you tell us about your background and where you grew up?

Hello! So I was born in London, and have lived here ever since! However, I am half Irish. My dad hails from Dublin, and I’ve spent a lot of my childhood going over there to visit family. 

How would you describe your journey in the music industry so far?

Exciting! I’ve had some amazing experiences in the very noisy space that is the music industry. Whether that be headlining shows in London, or getting to work at Abbey Road Studios. To say I love what I do is an understatement! Of course, there are challenges and hills to climb when you’re an independent musician, but that comes with the job! 

What challenges have you faced in your musical career, and how did you overcome them?

I think the biggest challenge I have found is the mental battle with yourself of feeling like you’re not where you want to be. I am my own harshest critic, but I find that taking a step back every now and then to realise how far you’ve come helps massively. It’s only telling to what you can achieve going forward. 

Can you share some memorable moments or experiences from your musical journey? 

As mentioned before, I had the amazing opportunity to work at Abbey Road. It was very surreal for me, being in a place full of so much history. That’s something that I will never forget. Also when I dropped my debut EP ‘The Way That I See You’, along with a music video for the title track. 2 years of planning and hard work went into that project, and to hear people saying they connected to the songs on a personal level, that for me was all the affirmation I needed. 

What motivates you to create music, and where do you find inspiration?

A lot of my inspiration comes from the amazing artists that I have grown up on over the years. I try to fit my stories and experiences on top of productions that I make. My dad was instrumental in making sure I was educated on all the amazing music that he grew up on, and I will always be grateful for him passing that on to me. 

How do you balance your personal life with your music career?

This was something I struggled with, as Music is my hobby and all I have ever known. So knowing when to stop was difficult! But this year especially, I have made an effort to give myself time to relax and do things I enjoy outside of music. I think it’s so important to unwind every now and then, whilst sill being ambitious on your goals and aspirations. 

What are your long-term goals as a musician?

To keep releasing my music out into the world, and hoping it touches and connects with as many people as possible! I believe that is the ultimate goal for music. However, it takes about 15 mins to drive to the O2 from where I live, and that has always been a dream, bucket list venue for me. So maybe one day?! 

What was the inspiration behind your single “Straight From The Heart”?

So one day I had writers block, and decided as a ‘songwriting exercise’ I would just write a song for an imaginary, non existent musical. Firstly, I came up with the chord structure and rough melodies for the song. it then suddenly took a turn and became a Beach Boys/Motown inspired love song! 

Are there any personal experiences or stories that influenced the lyrics of the song?

Well I got into a relationship at the back end of last year, and I think that’s how the lyrics suddenly fell out of me and got written very quickly. Funny that!…

How do you typically find inspiration for your songwriting?

Well as a producer also, my songwriting approach does take production into account for sure. It certainly influences how I write lyrics. Once I have a basic groove, I then will just mumble melodies/random lyrics and use themes of personal experiences, to inform the final lyrics I end up writing.  

How do you know when a song is “finished” and ready for release?

Once I have listened to the song 1 million times and feel like there’s nothing more to add! I usually know early on whether the song is a good one, so after that it is just filling in all the missing pieces to the jigsaw puzzle.

Can you share any advice for aspiring songwriters and musicians?

I don’t think you can ‘learn’ songwriting from other people. You can learn certain techniques, but really you just have to write songs! I have never had a lesson in songwriting, and I can promise you, my early, unreleased stuff was TERRIBLE! Also, be a sponge and just listen to as much music as you can, outside of your preferred genre. You never know where you can find inspiration from! 

Are there any other upcoming projects or collaborations that you’re excited about?

Absolutely! This is the first single of a group of songs which I am super excited about. I’ll be giving people 5 different moments over the next year or so, and I can’t wait to share the rest to everyone!

How do you envision your musical journey evolving in the future, and what can fans expect from you next? 

I see myself going all over the world and just putting smiles on people’s face’s. Playing on stages from a young age and getting that reaction back from a crowd, that’s up there as one of the best feelings I’ve ever experienced! 

Fan’s can expect a new and exciting sound from me, which yes may be different, but it still very much has that Adam Kelly sauce sprinkled all over…A NEW CHAPTER BEGINS!!! 

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