Conversation with Tye David about “troubled heart”

Can you share a bit about your background and how you first got into making music? What sparked your interest in music?

I’ve always been a huge music fan, ever since I was a kid, and it’s always been a dream of mine to make my own music. I started singing in high school and have consistently performed since then. I also studied voice and theatre in college. During the pandemic, I devoted my time to learning how to produce and record, and I started writing songs. I released my first song in 2021.

What made you decide to pursue a career in the music industry? Was there a specific moment or experience that pushed you in this direction?

I think during the pandemic, along with many other artists and creatives, I had to face what kind of pathways I could create for myself, since much of my work at the time was gone. I felt like it was the right moment to dip my toe in and try something new.

How did the concept for your debut single “Troubled Heart” come about?

I met Ervin Matthew Harris (who produced the track) a couple years ago and he was gracious enough to hand over several of his homemade tracks. I immediately connected with his sound and the lyrics came soon after. “troubled heart” was just one of many of his that I wrote on.

What emotions or experiences influenced the lyrics of “Troubled Heart”? Is there a personal story behind the words?

The main idea for it was this feeling I’ve had many times, of finding someone who offers healing and acceptance from a troubled past and the hopefulness that comes with it. I think everyone can relate to that at some point.

Could you walk us through what it was like recording “Troubled Heart”? Any interesting or challenging moments during the process?

It was first recorded in my home studio in Kansas City. The track itself was already a complete project, and so it was easy to write lyrics and record my vocals on it. The most challenging thing was finding the right person to mix it, and I was very lucky to connect with Reid Smith who has been an integral part of creating this and other songs that will be released later on.

Do you have any personal experiences or anecdotes that shaped the writing of “Troubled Heart”? Any moments from your life that found their way into the song?

I did start a new relationship around the time that I wrote the lyrics, and that definitely influenced the writing. As far as my past, I’ve had heartbreak like many other people, and the idea of finding someone who “saves you from the dark” seemed like a really good concept for a song. 

How would you describe the musical style and genre of “Troubled Heart”? What elements did you draw from to create its unique sound?

I’ve always been drawn to the R&B and soul sound, and I wanted to incorporate that with a more indie pop vibe, which I think is a super interesting mixture. I loved the beat of Ervin’s track, as well as the soulful guitar, and I wanted my vocals to match that.

What obstacles did you encounter while working on your first single and bringing it out into the world? How did you overcome them?

The biggest part of the process for any artist isn’t actually making the song, but comes after when you have to compile everything into a project and then promote it. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to do it on my own, so I reached out to an indie record label called Mean World Records, who offered to help promote my first single. I also had to think about how to present the single through social media, so that has been a learning process as well for me.

What has been the most fulfilling part of creating and sharing “Troubled Heart” with your audience? Any memorable reactions or responses that stood out to you?

My first fans have always been my amazing family and close friends, who eagerly await each new release. I was actually with a couple good friends as soon as the song went live on Spotify and they were so excited. It was a really special moment, to know that it would finally be shared with the world and hopefully connect with people.

Looking ahead, what are your goals for your music career in the coming years? What do you hope to accomplish or explore with your music?

My biggest goal is to just keep creating and evolving my sound, and enjoying every moment. That’s really all that matters at the end of the day. If I pick up some new fans and my music reaches and connects with people all over the world, then that’s a huge bonus.

Lastly, what exciting projects or releases can your fans anticipate next? Is there anything else you’d like to share with your audience about what’s on the horizon for you?

Yes! My next single will be released in a few weeks, and I plan on releasing my debut album later in the year. Stay tuned!!

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