Hi Sean! How would you say your sound has evolved since the early days of your music journey?
Hello Lauren! So psyched to be doing another interview with you and Heat Waves. Thanks so much for having me again. I’d say that my sound has evolved from a lot of melancholy writing to more happy and upbeat vibes.
Can you walk us through your creative process when it comes to songwriting? Do you start with lyrics, melody, or something else?
I typically come up with the music first. Guitar is my primary instrument and I’ll mess around with chord progressions, riffs, licks, until something sticks out and I think, hmm, I can make a song out of this! And then I paint the canvas of the song with words that I feel fit the vibe of the music. This can take me a while with tons of fine tuning to make sure I get it right!
Your single “Fish Tank” is really intriguing. What’s the backstory behind it, and what sparked its creation?
Thank you so much! In 2019, I was taking an Uber in Denver outside of a concert and I observed people walking around. This idea that everyone was swimming around in a fish bowl, following their own paths resonated with me. Then of course the following year happened and we all got stuck inside. I was discontent with certain things in my life at the time – feeling stuck. Like I was swimming around in circles not going anywhere, not living up to my true potential. I channeled these feelings into the lyrics of this tune.
How does “Fish Tank” compare to your earlier singles in terms of style and mood?
Earlier in my song writing journey, I thought of tunes that I could play acoustically at a coffee shop. As I’ve performed out more, I realized that crowds are interested in dancing and moving around rather than sitting around crying. Both ideas have their place in music, but in a world full of divisiveness and negativity, I began to gravitate towards spreading cheer and happiness.
What was it like in the studio while you were bringing “Fish Tank” to life? Any memorable moments?
We knocked out this track in one single session! The whole day felt like a dream and I was so happy with the way that the session flowed. It was a beautiful summer day and I felt like I was achieving my dream of bringing one of my favorite written songs to life.
How do you feel about fan feedback on your music? Has it shaped your work in any way?
Absolutely! I always heed words from my friends and fans. I like to road test songs at open mics and songwriter meetups when I have the chance and gauge the reaction from folks when they listen to my songs.
Is there a specific type of sound or genre you’d like to explore in your future projects?
I would love to have a full time keyboardist in my band eventually, whether that be myself or someone else that I hire. I love the sound of the piano in alternative rock songs.
How do you stay inspired, especially when creating music in today’s fast-paced industry?
I stay inspired by checking out the local scene and listening to other singer-songwriters. Listening to their songs and stories helps me view my own songs and stories from a different perspective.
How do you navigate the ups and downs of being an artist, and what keeps you motivated during tough times?
It’s important to keep everything in check and look at the long picture. When I hear “No” from a venue or radio station etc. it doesn’t mean “never” it moreso means “not right now.” Maybe the timing isn’t right, or I’m not far along in my career. There’s always a path and an opportunity to pivot and in the moment it feels awful, but stepping back and seeing the big picture is what keeps me going.
What’s the best advice you’ve received throughout your career, and how has it helped you navigate the music industry?
The best advice I’ve heard is to keep creating. Learn to love the manure, because manure is what’s laid to fertilize soil and grow beautiful, fruitful crops. Also to never become complacent in growing and learning new things, because once that happens, then the fun is gone.
Lastly, what can fans expect next from you after “Fish Tank”? Any exciting plans or upcoming releases in the works?
I’m wrapping my head around what songs I want to record for my debut EP! I do have one other original song that should be released in the coming months!!
Stay connected with Sean Lippin on social media for updates on future releases: Facebook – Instagram – TikTok – Spotify – YouTube – Website.