Conversation with Michelle Fabre about “Rock Me With A Deeper Love”

Hi Michelle! Can you share a bit about your early life and what sparked your passion for music?

My passion for music started when I was 2 years old and singing in my dad’s recording studio, making up songs and dancing. Professionally, it began when I was 4 and had my first national commercial for Eskimo Pie. Since then, I loved being in the studio and recording. I had the opportunity of being on local and national jingles and commercial, such as Long Island Aquarium CD, Sam’s Club, Goodyear, Hertz, Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader, and a project for hit producer, Jimmy Wisner (“the Wiz;” who took a liking to my voice and used me on backup vocals, and more recently, Nu Skin.

How did you get your start in the music industry?

I had taken a break from music when I got to college studying psychology, but 2-3 years in, I decided to go full time into music and pursue that career instead. Since then I’ve worked with my dad on a full 12 song album and 5 singles. It’s been very beneficial to have his knowledge and experience being in the industry, but being full time in music, I’ve discovered tremendous information about the business and marketing side of this industry; different methods of promotion, creative sync licensing, radio airplay and royalties. 

What has been the toughest challenge you’ve faced in your career so far?

I think just being in a giant pool of people where anyone can just release music has made it more difficult in general for many artists and bands to be discovered. It’s great that technology has enabled anyone the opportunity to be able to release music, but it doesn’t allow for artists and bands’ music to always be differentiated from each other. 

Who has been your biggest supporter along the way, and how have they helped you through your journey?

My parents have been my biggest supporters throughout my journey. My dad, being a musician & audio engineer, has always given me advice and guidance being in the industry. My mom also reads through Billboard magazine with me about the trending topics and music, and she’ll reach out to people, share my music and hang up flyers for my live shows. They never questioned my decision to go into music or told me to get a plan b. They’ve always believed in my music and my ability to have success. 

Can you walk us through your creative process when you’re writing and composing music?

The writing and creative process is always a bit different and unique to each song. Sometimes it’ll start with a simple phrase or idea someone mentions, and you build off that. Usually I start with a beat, chords and melody, then I write my lyrics around them. It truly is an ever changing process, though. A song may take on a whole new direction and evolution from the beginning of writing it until finalizing it in the mixing stage. 

What inspired you to create “Rock Me With A Deeper Love”?

“Rock Me With A Deeper Love” was inspired by a relationship that I felt there truly wasn’t much substance or connection there to begin with. We were on different paths, and this person truly couldn’t relate to my music and career. I was craving a deeper conversation and interest from someone who couldn’t truly give me what I wanted, no matter how many times I told them. Art is such a big part of my life, and  I feel inspired, myself, when I’m dating someone who can ask me about my own passion for it. I felt the verses were about this specific person and the chorus transitions to talking to a new person who may enter my life, and questioning them such as, “Can you give me a deeper love? One with more meaning and substance.”

In what ways does “Rock Me With A Deeper Love” stand out from your previous songs?

This song stands out from my previous songs, because it’s my first song to feature my band so it definitely was my first song to have that live instrumentation feel to it. It also has a minute long guitar solo by my dad at the end, which I loved and thought was unique. It took on a bit of a different approach compared to my other songs. This has more of an organic feel and I believe from the beginning we started coming up with ideas, it was very much from my heart and what I had experienced and was feeling. It wasn’t about being ‘correct’ and cookie cutter, it was about being real and authentic to the song and what I wanted listeners to resonate with. 

What was the recording process like for this single? Any memorable moments?

The recording process for this single was exciting to me, because I got to record while also hearing the band live behind me. 

What emotions or experiences are you hoping to convey through this song?

I’d like my listeners to resonate with the emotions of craving that deeper, more meaningful relationship. Some of the emotions I had felt in that previous situation was frustration, because I was trying to change someone who couldn’t truly give me what I desired, but in the end I felt a feeling of peacefulness and contentment, because it was an experience that I realized what I wanted in my future relationships and partners. 

From your experiences in the music industry, what are some of the key lessons you’ve learned?

One of the key lessons I’ve learned is that if you want to be really great at something, you have to 100% devote yourself to it. I never would have learned as much as I have, musically and in the business side of this industry, if I wasn’t full time and had a plan b. There is always someone else working just as hard, so you need to commit yourself to your craft and be ready for any opportunity. 

What has been the most fulfilling part of your musical journey up to now?

The most fulfilling part of the journey is having people tell you how much they love and can relate to the songs, especially my more recent ones. It’s nice to be able to know that lyrically, it touches them and an experience they may have had. Another fulfilling part of my journey is watching myself grow as an artist and performer. 

After releasing “Rock Me With A Deeper Love,” what’s next for you? Any upcoming projects or plans you can share?

I rerecorded some of my previously released songs with my band, that I’m planning on releasing. I also have an EP with new originals and very diversified covers that will be following that. We’re working on live shows with my band, and eventually touring and festivals. 

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