Conversation with Super Love about “Tell Me”

What’s the story behind the name “Super Love”? How did you come up with it?

On a scale of “like to love”, Super Love is on the extreme end. It’s like turning it to 11 in terms of love. When something is great or excessively pleasing, don’t just love it, SUPER LOVE it! 

For someone who’s never heard your music before, how would you describe your sound and style?

We have an ‘autonomous indie’ style with multi-layered lyrics and cross-genre grooves; with each track we deliver a unique, yet familiar sonic experience. Musically, we make whatever we want, as opposed to being stuck in a genre or sound, which can happen with bands. We make the music we love; that’s our “sound,” just whatever we’re into. That’s what’s unique about us.

What’s your creative process like when you’re working on new music?

We bring the lyrics and music together and have fun with it. If it sounds cool, we know we’re onto something great. Like any creative process, we adapt to the project, sometimes it’s silly, sometimes messy, but we always have fun. 

What inspired your latest single, “Tell Me”? What’s the story behind it?

“Tell Me” came from the darkness of winter; the emotionless stagnation that can stem from isolation and a loss of purpose. But “Tell Me” is also about wanting to break free. About wanting more from the world; craving a brighter emotional state. 

What was the most challenging part of bringing “Tell Me” to life?

For “Tell Me” we wanted to do an alt-rock-pop song in 7/4 timing, because it’s an unlikely combination. In writing “Tell Me,” we made sure that this challenge complimented the overall tone. So we paired the tension that builds with this unusual timing to intensify the emotion in the song and emphasize the unease in the lyrics. We found that by alternating between classical rock instrumentation and the grinding retro synth we were able to create a turbulent atmosphere that perfectly embodied the mood of the lyrics.

After releasing “Tell Me,” what’s next on the horizon for Super Love? Any exciting plans you can share?

We’re so excited for what’s coming! We’re working to round out our second album, and looking forward to releasing it. We’re also eyeing collaborations, especially a collab with an EDM artist – we’re looking forward to making an alt-pop-rock-EDM mashup! We also just published a book, Super Love: The Music of Je T’Aime. It gives you an inside look at how we created our first album. From conceptual approach and artistic vision to choosing technologies and effects.

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