Interview with Jamie Turner about “How Lost I Would Be Without You”

Hey Jamie! Before we delve into your latest song, could you tell us a bit about yourself and your musical journey so far?

Hello, yeah sure! My name is Jamie Turner i’m a singer & songwriter based in Perth, Western
Australia. I’ve been playing music and writing songs since I was 13 years old. After playing in many bands and musical projects over the last 17 years I recently decided to start releasing music under my own name, I write and record all of my own music in my home studio.

“How Lost I Would Be Without You” has a title that sparks curiosity. Can you provide a glimpse into the story or concept that the song revolves around?

“How Lost I Would Be Without You” was my attempt to capture the gratitude I feel towards people in my life that love and support me. The song is somewhat self deprecating in a light hearted way and I think also very sincere in it’s message.

Your previous works have touched the hearts of many. What sets “How Lost I Would Be Without You” apart from your earlier release in terms of its sound and message?

That’s very kind! The overall sound and production I feel are quite similar. My last release “Come Back And See Me” was written in very much a first person context, where as this song focuses more on how I feel about other people and their emotional effect on me. More of an outward expression as opposed to an inward one. The songwriting process can be deeply personal.

Can you share some of the emotions or experiences that inspired you to create this particular song?

I was unfortunately going through a rough time earlier in the year with my mental health, one of those periods where nothing seemed to go right for me and all of my aspirations kept falling apart. I found that being around my friends and family during this time and talking about how I was feeling with them really helped me pull through and stay positive. I’m extremely lucky to have lots of beautiful people in my life that always offer me love and support. The admiration towards them was the main inspiration for the song for sure.

Listeners often connect with artists through their music’s authenticity. How do you ensure your genuine self is reflected in “How Lost I Would Be Without You”?

As I mentioned before I feel that the song is very sincere and honest, I feel as though the lyrics and their delivery are always important as to whether a song feels genuine or not. I wanted the song to sound joyful and optimistic about something that is sometimes quite a heavy and emotional topic. Out of all the songs i’ve written over the years I feel that this one is most genuine and heartfelt.

The production of a song can significantly influence its impact. What creative choices did you make in terms of instrumentation and arrangement to convey the song’s emotions?

I think the string arrangement makes a big impact to the weight of the song. A string section can provide a lot of emotion sonically to a recording. This for me was a big moment for this song’s development. The main hook I originally intended to be a guitar riff, but i’m glad I ditched that idea and reached out to Kaska Records to record it as a string section.

Visuals can enhance the overall experience of a song. Could you tell us about any music video or visual accompaniments that complement “How Lost I Would Be Without You”?

I shot a film clip for this song with my good friend Robin Bottrell, He has an incredible talent for visual art and using vintage film cameras. We shot the clip together on Super 8 film in a studio here in Perth. Robin and I came up with the concept of staging something reminiscent of an old 70’s TV show performance, with spot lights and patterned projections. The film clip unintentionally has a sense of loneliness to it which I actually really like.
Collaborations are a growing trend in the music industry.

Did you collaborate with any songwriters or producers for this track? If so, how did their input contribute to its final form?

Other than the string players from the Ukraine who I collaborated with over email while arranging the strings for the song, the recording and writing process I did completely by myself.

Your music often resonates with a wide audience. How do you believe “How Lost I Would Be Without You” will touch the hearts of both your long-time fans and new listeners?

I would like to think that people will relate to the song on some sort of personal level. I quite enjoy writing songs that have a more ambiguous subject matter that can be interpreted in many different ways to the listener. The song is very easy going and touches on topics that i’d hope most people would resonate with.

As an artist, your journey is ever-evolving. What can we expect from Jamie Turner in the future? Are there any upcoming projects or creative directions you’d like to share?

I have a new song i’ve been working on that is coming out in late September called “Memory Box” I’ve just finished recording it and I’m really happy with how it sounds, I can’t wait to release it!

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